Saturday, June 20, 2015

Revelation - The Tree of Life


The tree came out of the ground like a tower.

It struck the earth, a mighty scepter.

The tree stood impenetrable.

It arose and became

a guardian

giving home to an eagle's nest.

Its roots like anchors, it shielded

the smaller creatures.

Drifting down,

its leaves became psalms

and ignited Life.

The tree came from within.

The heart bloomed

like the woods.

Winter shied away,

and Spring flooded the Wilderness.

All that lay dormant


* * *

I had a vision during meditation. I had never heard of Rapid Resolution Therapy before, but if you are of a spiritual nature and you seek healing from trauma, I absolutely 100% recommend it. I was healed in 1 session with a practiced counselor. My therapist, Ginny, I later learned was Christian. God healed me through her hands.

At the beginning of our session, my therapist, Ginny, asked me to think of a place that brings me peace and makes me feel at home. I thought of the forests up in Washington, where I lived in my childhood, before I moved to Los Angeles when I was 10 years old. I miss the forests fiercely in my heart, and on some days, I can feel my whole body crave the peace of the forest. We agreed that the forest would be my "place of sanctuary" as we explored my traumatic experiences together.

Ginny put me under a form of hypnosis. I was sitting in a chair with my feet both on the ground. We faced each other.

She asked me: "Do you believe that we are all connected?"

I said, "Yes."

She took my hand and led me down into a folded position. I bowed my head low, low until it was almost between my knees, and I wrapped my arms around myself to calm my nervous system. She released my hand, then she held her hands over the base of my skull.

I breathed deeply, settling into the moment.

“Go to your forest, where you feel safe. I want you to just think of the forest, think of the trees, and relax. Be at peace."

I breathed deeply and slowly, and in my mind, I went to sit by my tree.

I sat at the base of a pine tree in the beautiful woods, somewhere in Washington State. I could smell the scent of warm summer: sweet blackberry perfume on the air. Pine needles cushioned me. Yellow flowers sprinkled my feet. I leaned back against the trunk of the tree and relaxed. I breathed deeply, steadily. All was silence.

As I relaxed, I slowly began to sink backwards. I sank into the tree, into the ground, until I was comfortably wrapped up in the roots of the tree, so safe, so quiet, in the cool moist darkness of the earth, where nothing could reach me, and I could sleep and sleep and restore my soul. I felt a deep peace well up inside of me, pulling me down, down into the roots of the tree. I kept sinking deeper and deeper into the silence, into the peace of the roots.

And then, suddenly, I was standing in a chamber that resided at the heart of the tree, at the center of the roots. Inside this chamber under the tree, I saw a tomb. A sarcophagus. It lay horizontally like a coffin. A beam of light shone down from the center of the tree, illuminating it. The sarcophagus was white marble or granite, or similar white stone. The carving of an ancient King lay on top of the sarcophagus with a stone sword clutched in his hands and a stone crown upon his head.

Suddenly, I knew the tomb was my dad's grave. My dad's presence suddenly became known. He was here, with me, in the roots of the tree, not visible, and yet I felt him there.

In an instant, the tree exploded around me, growing and growing, thousands of feet into the air. The largest tree you could fathom, stretching up and up into the Heavens, into infinity, into forever. My dad and I flew upward through the middle of the tree, our spirits combined, flying up and up, higher and higher, into infinity. And I knew this:

My dad, myself, God, and the Tree were all ONE.

My dad was not dead. No one was dead. No one ever dies. We were all alive, and we were all together, and we were all growing into a massive Tree, and the Tree was God, and the Tree was infinite, and connected, and Everything.

My dad's spirit was inside of me, and God's spirit was inside of us, uniting us, and we were all One. We are all the Tree, and we were all Growing.

God showed me the Tree of Life. He showed me the Truth of Life. There is no death, only life, only a million million lives all growing into God, into a Tree that connects All Things.

I came out of the vision with tears streaming from my eyes, howling and laughing as grief poured out of my heart. God's unconditional love and presence embraced me. I realized, dimly, that Ginny was praying over me, and the base of my skull was warm with raiki energy. I cried and cried with her, and in the grief was joy, because I knew my dad's presence. I had reconnected with my dad. I knew now our spirits were not separate, but whole; that we were all connected, that he was not lost, but he was a part of me, a part of God, and we were all growing into One. We are the Tree of Life.