Thursday, April 28, 2022


Why did I ever think I didn't need God when there is still so much healing left to be done in the world?

It's so easy to draw close to the Lord in times of trial. When we are desperate, when we need hope. But what about the trials or others? They too need prayer. They too need your faith. Our work is never done. Your period of peace may coincide with a friend going through great hardship. Pray for them. Help them. God gave you peace that you might invest your spiritual work in helping and lifting others. We are the light in the world. 

You should know I never preach to anyone. I only give love and support and friendship. Inevitably, during these interactions, I've had many ask me if I believe in God, or they begin spontaneously speaking of God. Others will know you by your actions and by the light in your spirit. It is not our place to preach. It is only our task to serve in humility, and not boast, for not even we can be certain of God's plan.