Have courage, young heart, for God is not timid.
God is not meek. God is not afraid.
If you've ever felt the force of peace lift you as a child caught in a river, carrying you effortlessly upward by the power of grace, the pure water of soul flowing beyond time and filling infinity....
If you've ever looked up to realize the Tree grows far taller and mightier than any vision can contain; its branches spreading through the cosmos in a thousand waves of light, pulling together all of Creation....
Have courage, young heart, for God's strength lives within you. You are His child, and all that He is, you shall inherit.
Trust in the Lord with all of your Heart, for He is Life.
All Grace, All Might, All Glory contained.
He is Life.
* * *
We live on the edge of infinity.
A slight step to the left, and we can touch it.
Expand your heart. Lose all else inside of it.
Empty of desire, filled with Light,
Emptiness is wholeness is nothing is All.
God, you struck me through the heart;
empty of myself, You gave me Life
that now Your love pours from the root of me
And all else fades away and away.