Friday, July 1, 2022

Heartwork - Spending Time

God knows what we need better than we do ourselves. Since He is in our hearts and understands the evolution of the heart, He gives us what the heart needs to thrive and evolve. 

It is good for the Heart to proceed with the Work by His Will, rather than being idle and lazy.

An excellent example of spiritual idleness and laziness: working to make money to provide for yourself and your family, and then spending all of your time thinking of sports, or women, or luxury items, or vacations. It feels like you are always busy, but really, your Heart is lazily distracting itself from it's true Work.

Spend time thinking about your soul. Set aside an hour a day to listen to talks about spiritual life and your soul from a trusted church or audiobook. Or simply meditate for an hour following the established methods in Vedanta, or Teresian prayer.

This is more important than going to the gym where you, once again, mindlessly work out and disassociate. Dedicate time every day to think about your soul and spend time with God.