Thursday, May 12, 2022

Love Letters IV

 How vast are our misunderstandings of each other, to make an enemy of love. To perceive genuine care and support as wrongful or meddling. To be shamed for our loving actions when reaching out to another.

Be gentle, but do not be afraid to break through another's armor. At times, the Voice must be used as a spear to pierce through the walls surrounding the heart. It is seldom welcomed by the listener. But the Truth remains ever in their heart from that day, as an echo, as a seed waiting to bloom. You spoke the message. God will do the rest. He will shine light on the seed. He will carry your acts to fruition.

Be strong, young one. Love is always the answer. It takes time for some people to see that. Do not be concerned with age, but know yourself as an ageless being, as old as the stars and the elements and the creation of the cosmos. What lives in you, lives in all. All things are Love. Be at peace, and know you did well.